First Friday:
We will be open on Friday 5/4/12 from 5pm to 9pm check the Facebook Event for more details.
New Games For Super Nintendo:
Comments on some of our new SNES games: Wizardry V, Virtual Bart, Shadowrun, Final Fight, Aladdin, F-Zero, World Heroes II, Krusty's Super Fun House, ad uh Shaq Fu.

We have a few factory sealed copies of F-Zero ($10) left for the SNES, but we now also have an unsealed copy ($5) if you want one to play, and one to display. Krusty's Super Fun House ($5) is a 16 bit version of the NES classic Krusty's Fun House. World Heroes II ($5) is a pretty ridiculous fighting game. You can play as a variety of stereotypical ethnic characters like "Brocken" a Nazi android, or "Johnny Maximum" an American Football Player, or "Rasputin" ... Rasputin. The game play is solid and the controls respond well making for very playable game. Final Fight ($5) is a port of the arcade game of the same title. It's a fun side scrolling beat 'em up which you will like if your into Streets of Rage and such. If Dungeons and Dragons is your jam, then Wizardry V ($5) will be right up your ally. Out of everything in the vintage gaming world 16 bit RPG's are my favorite thing, but I couldn't get into this one. Wizardry V was originally released for the Commodore 64 in 1988 which explains why this 1994 SNES port is largely text based... or something. Fans of truly old-school video gaming or D&Ders may appreciate this title; it may be an awesome game, but as a fan of 16 bit RPGs I couldn't get into it. Aladdin ($8) is a Capcom produced side scroller that is extremely playable, and considered one of the best Disney/Capcom productions.
Shadowrun ($30) is absolutely amazing, this is what vintage gaming is all about. This cyber punk RPG is part Blade Runner, part Neuromancer, and overall amazing. The game play starts out with you waking up in a morgue, from there you have to figure out who you are and what you are doing. Check out this video of the intro, it totally "borrows" from the opening of Blade Runner. Another awesome score this week is Virtual Bart ($12) I was going to keep this one until I beat it, and while it is a totally awesome game, it is frustratingly hard. I remembered as a kid throwing my controllers at the screen trying to beat the baby Bart level, I'm going to let this one go.
New Games For Sega Genesis:
Comments on some of our new Genesis games: Cool Spot, Desert Strike, Castle of Illusion Staring Mickey Mouse, Quackshot, Fire Shark, Menacer 6 Game Cartridge, Warsong

Warsong ($15 w/box also know as Langrisser) is a rockin' 16 bit tactics game. Warsong isn't exactly an RPG as there is really no game play outside of the battles, but RPG fans will certainly enjoy it. It's a somewhat rare Genesis game, hence the price (sorry). The game concentrates on battle strategy and troop placement. The game puts you on a battlefield as a leader, each leader can control about 8 troops in addition to the leader, and in most battles you control several leaders! This setup make for some spectacularly enjoyable gaming. The game play is similar to the Final Fantasy games, especially Final Fantasy Tactics where like Warsong, there is only battling to be done!
Nintendo 64 and More:
Nintendo 64: Goldeneye, Super Smash Brothers, Bust a Move 99. Nintendo NES: ? Sega Master System: Alex Kidd in Miracle WorldWe finally have a copy of Super Smash Brothers ($20, label damage) If you're looking for this one, you know what its all about. Goldeneye ($12) redefined the first person shooter and multiplayer gaming world, if you own a N64 you need a copy of this game. Bust a Move 99 ($5) is quite similar to Snood... if that's your jam. We do have new NES games for this week, including a rare unlicensed one, BUT they have not been cleaned and tested yet, so stay tuned for more details on that. Before there was Sonic, Sega had Alex Kidd, a kid. Alex Kidd in Miracle World (in box $5) was the fist game in the series, and is actually built into most Sega Master Systems released after 1986.
DiscoVision is super stocked up on gaming consoles, we have NES, SNES, Genesis, N64, and Atari 2600 in stock, several of each! We also have plenty of NES light guns, and a boxed NES for sale, stop by this Sunday or next Friday before the Open Market begins!