Lots of neat new things at DiscoVision for this Sunday, check it out!
Records and Such

This week’s coolest find is a suitcase-style
portable turntable with a built in speaker.
Enclosed in a fairy tale character decorated case, this turntable plays
12” records and 7” inches at 45 speed too, it even has a built in 45 adaptor! This thing is super light weight and has a
secure arm fastener for easy
portability. The needle and all other components are in excellent working condition. This very unique turntable can be yours for $50.00. We have some awesome new records this week including new Beatles, Rolling Stones, Pink Floyd, and a super awesome Eddie Murphy single that will not be mentioned by name. If you're ever looking for something in particular shoot us an email at:
Knick Knack Attack

The Wiley brothers purvey only the finest in unneeded clutter and trinkets. This wood carved corkscrew has the ugliest rendition of a monk I have ever seen. If you purchase this, you will certainly be scolded for lack of good taste by your spouse/housemate/cat. Are you into into questionably collectible figurines? Then we have just the thing for you, a Japanese made Sonsco mouse! Nothing says kitsch quite like a figurine of a mouse with a drum. For those that are planning a wedding soon, Abigial Adams of "Dear Abbey" fame has advice for you! This advice of course is along the lines of "If you are a pregnant bride don't have a large wedding" ... thanks Abbey!

DiscoVision has a collection of fine vintage cameras to offer this week, here a some pictures of the highlights. This Polaroid model 95 is one of the most beautiful cameras to come through our space. This folding bellows style camera is in pristine working condition and comes with a light meter, manual, case and is generally totally amazing. Another awesome find is this Bell and Howell Super 8 camera. This camera has a funky reposition-able handle and a hand case in good condition.
This week DiscoVision Vintage is turning a new page (zing). We will be adding a section of vintage paperbacks, specializing in cult, classic, and sci-fi. Starting this week we have awesome stuff from Kurt Vonnegut, Tom Robbins, Voltaire, and even Bob Dylan. All the paperbacks will be at an appropriately affordable price of $3.00 each or two for $5.00.